In terms of performance, you can try opening the Blacksmith Launcher and selecting Launch Options via the Options tab. Here, These options force the Dark And Darker Gold game to run on DirectX 11 and utilize all available cores, which can potentially address performance issues that may contribute to rubber banding.

If the problem persists, you can also try lowering your in-game settings to reduce the strain on your system.

Keep in mind that Dark and Darker is still in early access, so the developers are actively working on addressing issues and releasing updates. If you are experiencing problems, chances are other players are too, and you may need to wait for the developers to release a hotfix.

Note: If you are interested in downloading Dark and Darker, you can find more information on how to do so on Pro Game Guides’ article titled “How to Download Dark and Darker”.

Court Dismisses Copyright Claim Against Ironmace’s RPG Dark and Darker

A court in Seattle, WA has dismissed a copyright claim against Ironmace and its RPG Dark and Darker. The judge ruled that Nexon, a Korean buy Darker Gold publisher, failed to provide a compelling argument that Ironmace had infringed on its work.