I decided to play Barbarian in d4 buy items according to two crucial elements: there's little chance my pals would be seeking the same once the ever-popular necromancer is correct there, and since I hate Diablo's mouse-and-keyboard controls. At the risk of readers reaching through their screens and personally shredding my PC gaming card, I can't stand constantly clicking (or holding my left mouse) to obtain around. My keyboard hand doesn't fare much better: resting my fingers around the default 1-4 ability keys all day at a time can be a constant flirt with disaster as my palm meat threatens to slap the spacebar.

Diablo 4

Rebinding is an option, needless to say, but Blizzard's first mainline Diablo in 11 years offers another solution, too: controllers! Unlike Diablo 3, which never got official controller support on PC despite having console versions, Diablo 4 principal purpose is from the ground up for gamepads and keyboards alike. You wouldn't be aware of it just by considering its mouse-friendly menus, however, it is a remarkably comfortable gamepad game.

In fact, after leveling my barbarian to 24 almost entirely on the controller, I need to think Oahu is the best way to try out a melee class in d4 buy items. For one, every button is bindable then there is a customizable utility wheel (handy for all those control schemes, honestly) for quick out-of-reach actions like emotes and potions. Moving around is only straight-up better, too. Running which has a stick feels completely natural, with the fact that you can just nudge the stick if you need to walk. I've yet to discover a dungeon where moving slower will be useful, however, the occasional lackadaisical walk through towns does permit me to appreciate my barbarian beefcake's confident gait.

Controller combat flows well together with the barbarian too. You just walk nearly everything and mash A, then occasionally X, Y, and also the triggers. Maximizing damage with my bleeding build has largely gotten down to positioning, and direct stick control provides the edge over ticks there. Last night I went back to KBM to find out if I'm just drinking the controller Kool-Aid, but right after hours, the only major difference was obviously a cramped hand and hunched back.

I have some gripes, though. I've noticed one important barbarian function that does not seem to have a controller bind in any way: changing which weapons individual skills use. On the mouse, this is as simple as clicking middle-mouse while hovering above the skill, but either I'm missing something obvious or Blizzard forgot for making this doable on the controller (they are both equally possible).

Inventory management, that's about 50% with the Diablo 4 experience, can be undoubtedly slower on the controller. New items appear at the end of your inventory, but on Controller your selection starts at the very top, so I ordinarily have to d-pad down and right eight times only to confirm a sword just isn't as good as being the one I'm carrying. It's still fast enough that I never feel stalled, and I certainly prefer it above the annoying fake mouse cursor popularized by Destiny (kudos to Blizzard for resisting that trend), but you will find clear improvements to get made. Assume I want to browse the stuff I just found, first of all?

If you reflexively defaulted to KBM because that's how you've played Diablo for 20 years, well then, your probably already happy out of the box, if your fingers are cramping after having a long session or maybe you want to lean last your chair for quite a while, give controller an attempt.