Couple Promise Rings Set Traditions and when to give them
 Have you ever thought about the question, what exactly is the definition of a promise ring? A promise ring, keeping it simple, is a symbol of intention to create an exciting future with your spouse. This piece of fine jewelry signifies a genuine commitment that is not a direct result of marriage. This article will provide you with the meaning of a vow it's role in romantic ceremonies, and how it conveys the sentiment. It will also teach you about styles, etiquette and the best practices for gifting.
 Principal Takeaways
 A promise ring may be an indication of love and dedication to a couple. It is usually used as a prelude to the wedding proposal, however it does not always mean that the wedding is going to follow.
 Promise rings have a long story that dates back to early times, and evolved to meet the needs of modern relationships by incorporating a variety styles and interpretations.
 When you give a promise ring it should be unique and specifically tailored to the relationship. This should be done with an unambiguous message to avoid confusion as the wedding proposal.
 Decoding the Promise Ring: A Symbol of Pre-Engagement Love
 In essence the act of wearing a promise ring communicates:
 Loyalty is a commitment to a partner.
 An indication of a committed relationship between two people.
 An expression of love for life that transcends marriage vows.
 A lot of times, it serves as a prelude to presenting an engagement band.
 A deep dedication to marry over time, or a strong commitment to a long-lasting partnership.
 The essence captured within this ring is devotion, love and loyalty.
 In contrast to purity rings, which represent chastity pledges, promise rings are a symbol of deep-seated promises exchanged between individuals engaged in sexual relationships. They strengthen the emotional connection through symbolizing the desire for future union and a commitment to live together. Promise rings can be used as symbols. Anyone is able to give or take a symbol, without considering the past or current relationship stage.
 The difference between a promise ring and an engagement ring is crucial. Both rings focus on the future, but promises do not always indicate imminent marriage. A wedding ring signifies the fact that there are wedding plans to come, whereas promise rings, on the other hand, reverberate potential shared experiences, but are not tied to particulars about marriage.
 Promise Rings: Their Development Through the course of
 Promise rings have their historic origins in ancient societies. In the Roman era weddings, brides would wear promise rings to signify a public statement of their forthcoming wedding in the mandatory waiting period between engagement and marriage. In the past, in Egypt rings were considered to be symbols of love and devotion.
 With time, this tradition blossomed into new forms. Posy rings adorned with romantic verses became widely admired to express love and devotion in England during the 15th until the 17th century. By the mid-20th century in America teens expressed their affection and dedication to their girlfriends by presenting them the class ring or pin. Acrostic rings aided in this enduring tradition with a fresh twist.
 In more recent times the promise ring was transformed into a pre-engagement ring the 19th century, and in the early 20th century for couples who weren't yet ready to commit but desired to show their love for each other. Currently heralded within contemporary youth culture are these same kinds of promise or pre engagement rings which continue to represent important sentiments like:
  profound love
 unwavering loyalty
  solemn commitment
 Connections that make you smile